The Franklin University resource you are accessing is currently down for either scheduled maintenance or emergency repairs.
Please check back again a little later. We apologize for the inconvenience and are always working to provide you with the most accessible system possible.
We are constantly improving our Internet services to make your online experience better. This means that, at times, our web sites may be unavailable.
In an effort to allow us to continually upgrade and improve our Internet services, while minimizing disruptions to our students and faculty we have set aside two regularly scheduled times for the maintenance of our various Internet systems
Whenever possible, maintenance is scheduled during the maintenance schedule.
These times were chosen based on our lowest usage times and to coincide with the maintenance schedule of Franklin University's Internet Service Provider.
Please note that although these time blocks are set aside for maintenance requiring system downtime, we do our best to minimize the downtime necessary to perform maintenance. During these scheduled time blocks, there may be times when no maintenance is performed, or the maintenance performed does not require the entire time block. In these cases, the systems will not be disrupted during the scheduled times, or will be disrupted for only part of the scheduled times.
Thank you for understanding our system maintenance needs. We look forward to continuing to provide you with the best Internet services possible.